Current System vs After Using MES System



Comparing a current system after using the Manufacturing Execution System (MES) reveals several key differences in capabilities, functionality, and overall impact on operations. Here’s a breakdown:

1. Processing of work order


Work order is managed manually thru production travel card, kanban system and even excel based tracking


MES generates the workorder thru the system.  It will generate a unique label (barcode, QR Code) to be tracked from the beginning of process until the last process.

2. Status of work order


Work orders are updated manually.  Typically, thru a production check sheet.  Data will be updated thru predetermined interval (hourly,  end of shift or end of day).  Data will then be compiled and presented to production team.


Work orders are updated into the system from production tablet or PC.  Achieve real time updated data and reduce reporting time

3. Equipment Abnormality


Machine stoppage time and reasons manually reported by operator.  Data captured might not be correct and do not provide true picture of the production situation.


Machine stop time and stoppage reasons are captured into the system. Detailed analysis together with machine OEE can be reported in real time.

4. Real time monitoring of machines and production stages


Data collection and reporting are manual processes, often taking hours or even until the next day. This delay means that any issues with machines or production stages are communicated to the person in charge (PIC) late, potentially leading to costly downtime or inefficiencies.


Real-time updates on machine performance and production progress are updated automatically to MES. Instantly see if something is off and address it before it impacts your bottom line.

5. Traceability


Quality related issue during IPQC and FQC are reported thru check list. It is very hard to trace back quality related issue related to which work order and machine that is used to produced when it is needed.


MES stores all data into database. With a click of the search button, all information related to the manufacturing process are available instantly.

Benefits of MES

Reduce Cost

Aids in recording and tracking following type of costs

  • Labor costs
  • Downtime costs

Remove wastage

Helps in reducing defective commodities through

  • Effective process planning
  • Raw material tracebility

Decrease inventory

Provides relevant information regarding product and areas to order from

  • Purchasing
  • Shipping

Enhanced Quality

Helps in reducing defective commodities through

  • Effective process planning
  • Raw material tracebility

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